Sam Scott
Former Chairman,
Ingredion Incorporated
ABIC Interim Board President

Josh Hoyt
Founding Executive Director, Retired
National Partnership For New Americans
ABIC Co-founder and Board Secretary

Al Cardenas
Former Chairman,
Florida Republican Party
ABIC Board Secretary

David Barber
Barber Foods former President and CEO; Tyson Foods Business Development Specialist

Paul DiMare
DiMare Distribution

Craig Duchossois
Chairman & CEO
The Duchossois Group

Martin Eakes
President & CEO,
Self Help Credit Union

Mike Fernandez
MBF Healthcare Partners

Don Graham
Majority Owner And Chairman
Graham Holdings Company
Co-founder, TheDream.US

Woody Hunt
Board Of Directors
Senior Chairman
Hunt Companies, Inc.

Mike Kaplan
Aspen Skiing Company
President And CEO

William C. Kunkler, III
Executive Vice President,
CC Industries

Bill Lucia
Former Chairman,
President And CEO Of HMS

Raul Raymundo
The Resurrection Project

Carole Segal
Crate And Barrel

Andrew Tisch
Loews Corporation