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Arizona Sen. Brian Fernandez, San Luis Police Chief Reynoso, Business, Faith and Community Leaders, Mixed-Status Families Oppose HCR 2060

By May 22, 2024May 23rd, 2024No Comments

HCR 2060 is currently being heard on the Senate floor.

AZ’s “Show Me Your Papers” law is dangerous, harms the economy and public safety, risks arrests from worship


PHOENIX — Today, Sen. Brian Fernandez (D-Yuma), San Luis Chief of Police Nigel Reynoso, businesses, faith and community leaders hosted a press conference at the Arizona State Capitol to oppose Republican Senate President Warren Petersen’s latest “show me your papers” proposal. The measure referred to as HCR 2060 will empower local and state police to stop and detain law-abiding immigrants going to work, attending temple and church or Dreamers going to school.

Statements from participants:

Sen. Brian Fernandez (D-Yuma), Arizona State Senate:

“This is the latest immigration Republican ‘show me your papers’ proposal that has taken a dark turn. They are going after Dreamers now and ignoring almost every major player in business, education and advocacy that oppose this measure. This measure will not make us safer. It will not save us money and it will cause unnecessary and irreversible harm.

Chief of Police Nigel Reynoso, San Luis Police Department:

“Like many others along the border, our agency works diligently to aid and provide additional resources to our federal partners. Still, the resolution with HCR 2060 would impose a further burden on our agency and other local agencies; frankly, we also lack the resources. I don’t want my officers with the responsibility to do federal enforcement without the proper funding that our department needs. I cannot support this version of the bill.”

Neil G. Giuliano, President and CEO, Greater Phoenix Leadership:

“Greater Phoenix Leadership (GPL) voices its opposition to HCR 2060, an immigration measure that is an unworkable response to a federal problem with unknown consequences. This measure places an unfunded mandate on local law enforcement to enforce border policy and lacks the infrastructure needed to assume the federal responsibility of apprehension and detention. Further, the ballot referral poses a policy that lacks clarity on how it will be implemented at the border and throughout the state. GPL recognizes that the border crisis presents a variety of public safety concerns to the citizens of Arizona but believes it must be resolved at the federal level. The courts have yet to determine the impact of the Texas model, which has been applied to HCR 2060. To advance something of such consequence is premature, as it would be voter-protected. It poses an unpredictable impact and cannot be legislatively changed.”

Chris Camacho, President and CEO, Greater Phoenix Economic Council (GPEC)

“The measures in HCR2060 would harm residents and will negatively affect the state’s economy and reputation. GPEC is especially troubled by the language focused on punishing DACA students. These border challenges require intervention at the federal level, and HCR2060 will face constitutional legalities, funding challenges and other complexities that would prevent it from solving the issue.”

Adam Goodman, President and CEO, Goodmans:

“It’s rare to find a policy proposal that has as much wrong with it as HCR 2060. Fiscal conservatives won’t like the unfunded mandates imposed on our corrections system. Business people won’t like the damage it would do to Arizona’s reputation. Criminal justice reform advocates won’t like the explosion in our prison population. Libertarians won’t like the idea of using the constitution to burden citizens with virtually unchangeable policy. Immigration reform activists won’t like the precedent of states doing the federal government’s work.”

Jose Patiño, Vice President of Education and External Affairs, Aliento:

“There are 22,000 DACA recipients, 7,000 Dreamers without DACA youth and 140,000 U.S. citizen children under the age of 18-years-old that will be targeted if HCR 2060 becomes law. We should support our children and youth to excel in school, play little league, worship and live with their families instead of them worrying if their parents are going to be deported and not be home. Our Arizona children have been traumatized enough.”

Rev. Gerald P. Richard II, Esq., Arizona Faith Network:

“This bill is more than a legislative measure, it is a profound moral crisis striking at the heart of our sacred values: justice, human dignity and divine mercy. Our holy scriptures from every faith and tradition resoundingly declare the sacred worth of every human life. They present us with a vision of God deeply committed to the struggles and dignity of all people, no matter their background or their status. Our God is a God of mercy and renewal, a source of unwavering compassion and love. He calls on us to live with these same values. Frankly, HCR 2060 is an insult to our scriptural teachings and a betrayal of the core principles of our faiths.”

Rabbi John A. Linder, Valley Interfaith Project and Senior Rabbi from Temple Solel:

“Just when we thought SB 1070 was in Arizona’s rear-view mirror, it’s now being reintroduced as HCR 2060. We have experienced first-hand the damage done to families, neighborhoods, congregations, schools and other community institutions. The economic well-being of Arizona is inextricably linked to the dignity of every human being. The signatures of 40 faith leaders from the Arizona Interfaith Network speak in one voice — we urge our state legislators to oppose HCR 2060. This bill would be devastating to our economy, drive the undocumented, our neighbors, into the shadows, tarnishing the very soul of our state. This bill will be devastating. Don’t let it see the light of day.”

Stephanie Parra, Executive Director, ALL In Education:

“The HCR 2060 law represents a troubling escalation in immigration enforcement tactics, going well beyond what we’ve seen in other states. If passed, it threatens not only the welfare of vulnerable populations but also the very fabric of our communities. Schools are not just places of learning; they are hubs of community, where families gather, collaborate and seek support. The passage of HCR 2060 would compromise this sense of security and trust, undermining efforts to foster student achievement and meaningful parent engagement.”

Joseph Garcia, Vice President of Public Policy, Chicanos Por La Causa:

“If we need to deal with the border crisis, let’s deal with it through immigration reform and compromise. But you don’t solve one crisis by creating a bigger crisis, which is what this would do. We are trying to warn Arizona — don’t go down this road; it’s a dead-end street and there’s nothing but darkness. There’s nothing but self-harm on our community, state, families and  economy.”

Enrique Sanchez, Intermountain State Director, ABIC Action:

“Today, we are here with a clear and urgent message: Arizona’s business community, along with faith and community leaders, and law enforcement in border towns, firmly opposes HCR 2060. This bill hurts businesses and everyday Arizonans. We call on all lawmakers to fight for real solutions for our workforce and everyday Arizonans like legal work permits, not fear-mongering and political games. Vote NO on HCR 2060. HCR 2060; Bad for Business, Bad for Arizona.”

Mary, American Families United member and U.S. citizen spouse:

“Today is a special day for me. My oldest daughter is graduating from high school today, and by speaking to you today, I am missing an important milestone. It was a hard and agonizing decision; however, I felt the sacrifice was necessary and important. As a mother and wife, I am dedicated to fighting for my American family — and millions of other families across the country, just like mine. Today, I am pleading with Arizona lawmakers to not pass HCR 2060, a dangerous anti-immigrant law that makes many workers want to leave our state, robbing all Arizonans of this critical labor force. Mixed-status families will fear going to the police to report crimes or serving as witnesses to crime. I also call on President Biden to use his power to provide a solution to help over 1.1 million mixed-status families like mine, by providing a work permit to the spouse of U.S. citizens. Having a work permit for my husband would give us a better quality of life and also benefit our economy.”


The U.S. Chamber of Commerce estimates there are only 71 Arizona workers available for every 100 open jobs. Cutting into that supply is the wrong move and would only drive up inflation, business leaders warned.

State of Play on HCR 2060:

  1. Background: HCR 2060, dubbed the “Secure the Border Act,” is a ballot measure effort by Arizona Republicans aiming to address immigration issues after two failed attempts at legislation vetoed by Governor Hobbs.

  2. Republican Strategy: Republicans seek to bypass the governor’s veto power by taking the issue directly to Arizona voters, utilizing fear tactics in messaging to incite support including against Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients.

  3. Political Landscape: Republicans hold a narrow one-vote majority in both the State House of Representatives and Senate, making the passage of HCR 2060 a contentious issue.

  4. National Attention: Similar to SB1070, this proposal has garnered national attention and threatens to tarnish Arizona’s reputation for investors, business expansion and attracting new residents.

  5. Labor Gap Concerns: Arizona faces critical labor shortages, with only 71 people available for every 100 open jobs, further complicating the impact of HCR 2060 on the economy.

  6. Financial Implications: A report by the Grand Canyon Institute estimates that enforcing HCR 2060 would cost local municipalities and county governments approximately $325 million annually.

  7. Legal Challenges: The proposal’s language, modeled after Texas SB4 has already been found to violate the U.S. Constitution by a federal court, echoing previous litigation challenges against SB 1070, which continues to burden Arizona taxpayers.

  8. Recent Developments: Despite passing committee after extensive testimony from various stakeholders including business, community, faith and law enforcement representatives, a floor vote was delayed due to division within the Republican caucus.

  9. Opposition Efforts: Organizations like ABIC Action and Arizona community partners have mobilized against HCR 2060, highlighting its detrimental effects on business, taxpayers and the state, as a whole.

  10. Uncertain Future: The fate of HCR 2060 remains uncertain as political, economic and legal complexities continue to shape the discourse and decision-making process surrounding the proposal.

Momentum: AZ CEOs, Pastors, Police, Prison Director Join Forces to Oppose HCR 2060 (May 14, 2024)

Business and Faith Leaders Link Arms, Tell Petersen and Toma to Stop Wasting Money on HCR 2060 (May 8, 2024)

Over 100 Arizona Business, Faith and Community Leaders Urge Legislature and Governor to Oppose Anti-Immigrant Proposals (February 23, 2024)


Immigrants make vital contributions to Arizona’s economy and communities. Key facts:



In addition to Arizona, the U.S. economy depends upon a foreign-born labor force to alleviate national labor shortages, reduce inflation and grow by $7 trillion more over the next decade. Immigrants in the U.S. have a combined household income of $2.1 trillion and contribute $382.9 billion to federal taxes and $196.3 billion in state and local taxes, leaving them with $1.6 trillion in spending power.



ABIC Action was created to mobilize the power of American businesses and the general public to promote and advocate for sensible immigration solutions. ABIC Action will develop and advocate for legislation, regulations, and government programs that promote common-sense state and federal immigration reform to benefit the people and economy of our country. ABIC Action operates under federal income tax under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC).