[RECORDING]Florida University Presidents and Dreamers Urge Sens. Rubio and Scott To Support Bipartisan Immigration Solutions Including Dream Act
Watch the recording here: https://bit.ly/3hifDR8
MIAMI, FL — University presidents, administrators, advocates, and Dreamers urged Sens. Marco Rubio and Rick Scott to support bipartisan immigration solutions like the bipartisan Durbin-Graham DREAM Act at a virtual event titled Fulfilling Florida’s Promise: University Presidents’ Forum on the Dream Act and Immigration Reform. The bill would provide a path to citizenship for nearly 2 million Dreamers, including current DACA recipients, those eligible to apply for DACA, and other undocumented immigrant youth. Watch the recording here: https://bit.ly/3hifDR8.
Supporting bipartisan immigration solutions like the DREAM Act will expand our workforce, bring certainty to families and employers, and help our economy roar back from the pandemic.
Speakers included: Dr. Julio Frenk, President, University of Miami; Gregory Adam Haile, JD, President, Broward College; Dr. George L. Hanbury II, President and CEO, Nova Southeastern University; Dr. Jeffrey D. Senese, President, Saint Leo University; David A. Armstrong, JD, President, St. Thomas University; Jennifer Boyd-Pugh, MS, Vice President for University Administration, Barry University; Idalia Quinteros, Dreamer, Miami Dade Honors College; Gaby Pacheco, Director of Advocacy, Development and Communications, theDREAM.us; Brandy M. Fransen, Senior Associate Director of International Admission, Rollins College; Miriam Feldblum, Executive Director,Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration; Kathy Bird Carvajal, Executive Director, IMPAC Fund; and Mario Cartaya, CEO, Cartaya and Associates Architects.
For a complete link to the recording click here.
Dr. Julio Frenk, President, University of Miami, said during the event: “(Florida) is growing into a global innovation hub. This is truly a pivotal moment and we cannot afford to lose talent. Passing legislation like the DREAM Act is not an act of charity…Dreamers have incredible potential and the time to give them the security of full status, allowing them to fully belong, is now.”
Idalia Quintero, Dreamer, Miami Dade Honors College, said during the event: “I am a recent graduate of Miami Dade Honors College. I am a Dreamer in every sense of the word. Today I urge our Senators Marco Rubio and Rick Scott to act now and support the DREAM Act so young people like me can reach our fullest potential and make Florida thrive.”
Dr. George L. Hanbury II, President and CEO, Nova Southeastern University, said during the event: “I would like us to change the name from Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) to MACA: Meaningful Action for Childhood Arrivals. I call on our two senators to support Lindsay Graham and to pass the DREAM Act.”
David A. Armstrong, JD, President, St. Thomas University, said during the event: “Sen. Rubio and Sen. Scott have done great things for the state of Florida and they understand the importance of economic success and creating business opportunities…It’s time to sign and pass the DREAM Act of 2021. We ask you for your support to push that forward. It’s the right thing to do.”
Gregory Adam Haile, JD, President, Broward College, said during the event: “To our senators, one of my greatest privileges was in 2014 to have the opportunity to support in-state tuition for undocumented students (in Florida). Both of you were incredibly supportive of that work. I only ask that we continue the sense of urgency; that we reestablish that sense of urgency. There is no time like the present to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to become the best version of themselves, and I know that you are going to be leading on this.”
Dr. Jeffrey D. Senese, President, Saint Leo University, said during the event: “Senators, support this act. Think about it in business terms. We need to keep [Dreamers] here and keep them committed and let them be successful. Let them be even more successful…higher education is a huge business in Florida and a growing business in Florida. Support it by supporting the Dreamers through the Dream Act.”
IMPAC Fund is the Florida chapter of the American Business Immigration Coalition (ABIC) which promotes commonsense immigration reform that advances economic competitiveness, provides companies with both the high-skilled and low-skilled talent they need, and allows the integration of immigrants into our economy as consumers, workers, entrepreneurs, and citizens. For more information go to impacfund.org.
The American Business Immigration Coalition (ABIC) promotes commonsense immigration reform that advances economic competitiveness, provides companies with both the high-skilled and low-skilled talent they need, and allows the integration of immigrants into our economy as consumers, workers, entrepreneurs, and citizens.