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American Employers and American Citizens to President Biden: Work Permits Now


Washington DC – Earlier today, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer brought the bipartisan border deal that was negotiated early this year by a group of Senators back up on the floor for a standalone vote. The measure failed 49 to 51  (just my guess) with every Republican joining 3 Democrats to oppose. 

Below is a statement from the American Business Immigration Coalition and American Families United 

“Smart immigration solutions are long overdue. We have 8.5 million open jobs and high inflation hammering the pocket books of everyday Americans and small businesses. With Congress gridlocked on immigration reform for over 40 years, employers and families are urging President Biden to take executive action to grant work permits for mixed status families, dreamers and other long term workers,” said Rebecca Shi , executive director of American business immigration coalition representing 1400+ CEOs and employers across the country. 

“American families like mine cannot wait any longer,” said Ashley de Azevedo, president of American families United representing 1.1 million U.S. citizens married to undocumented spouses. “With a stroke of a pen, President Biden can deliver a down payment on his commitment to our families like he has done on marijuana legalization and student debt relief.” 

The United States is home to 10.6 million US citizens who live in mixed status households, with hundreds of thousands of impacted U.S. citizens in Nevada, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Georgia. Long term undocumented immigrants have lived on average 15 years in our country working, paying taxes, and raising American children. Each year, undocumented immigrants earn $92 billion in household income and contributed almost $9.8 billion in federal, state, and local taxes

 “The United States has experienced positive growth fueled by immigration,” said Bob Worsley, ABIC Co-Chairman and former Arizona Republican State Senator , “We know from the recent flood of press coverage, including reports from inside the White House, that real change is possible now. This window will not remain open long. We urge the president to act.” 


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