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On June 18, 2024, President Biden announced administrative action directing DHS to process parole applications for certain undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens. 

On July 17, 2024, DHS announced eligible persons can begin applying on August 19, 2024. You can find more information here

This program has NOT YET begun. Do not attempt to file anything, there is no process in place yet. Details on how to apply have not yet been released. Early-filed applications will be rejected. 

Fraud Alert! Beware of scams or false promises by notarios and other attorneys or consultants who promise immediate results or special solutions in order to take your money. Consult a qualified immigration professional. Here’s where you can learn more about how to protect yourself and find the right help. 

Full details to apply for these programs, and who will be eligible, will be published soon by USCIS. We will continue to update the community as more information becomes available.

What we currently know regarding possible eligibility:

Individuals may be eligible for this process if they:   

  • Are present in the United States without admission or parole;
  • Have been continuously present in the United States for at least 10 years as of June 17, 2024;
  • Have a legally valid marriage to a U.S. citizen as of June 17, 2024;
  • Do not have any disqualifying criminal history or otherwise constitute a threat to national security or public safety; and
  • Otherwise merit a favorable exercise of discretion.

More information about these eligibility criteria will be available in the forthcoming Federal Register notice. 

 We are sure that, like us, you are anxious for relief for your family. American Families United is advocating directly with the administration. We are committed to providing you with accurate and timely information you can trust. 

If you think you or a loved one may benefit from this policy, please fill out the form below. As soon as accurate information from the administration becomes available, we will provide it to you as soon as possible.

To learn more, here are some resources:

How can I get ready?

  • Now is a good time to gather important documents. Here is a checklist. [add link]
  • Now is a good time to speak to a trustworthy legal service provider about your case! It is important to seek expert advice to determine program eligibility, assess the risks and benefits, and see if you may qualify for other immigration protections as well. 
  • Stay informed! Keep coming back to this site for updates.