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Together, we will advance sensible immigration reform that secures the border, strengthens the economy and benefits all American families.
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The Economic Impact of Immigration
Immigrants Drive Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Growth
Key Ingredients of a Dynamic Economy
Immigration provides a growing pool of highly educated workers and a diverse workforce, which are crucial for innovation and entrepreneurship.
Immigrants are 80% more likely than native-born citizens to start a business and half of all venture capital-backed firms in Silicon Valley have at least one immigrant founder.
Patents & Advanced Degrees
Immigrants with advanced degrees are three times more likely to file patents.
Immigrants & Unicorn Startups
Over 50% of US unicorns were started by immigrants. Unicorn representing startups valued at over $1 billion.
Contributions to Science & Culture
Migrants are overrepresented among Nobel laureates, National Academy of Sciences members, and Oscar-winning directors.
90% of DACA recipients are employed, with many working in key industries such as healthcare, construction, technology, and retail. They pay $5.7 billion in taxes each year.
73% of farm workers in the United States are foreign-born. These workers are critical to the U.S. agricultural sector, which generates over $400 billion annually.