Letters to the editor for Sunday, February 27, 2022

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Governor should value immigrants

I am a lifelong Republican, a strong supporter of Gov. DeSantis and the retired chairman and CEO of a Fortune 100 utility company. My wife Jeanne and I retired to Florida for its sunshine and business-friendly climate. Recent anti-immigrant actions by the governor are deeply concerning and will harm businesses already facing extreme labor shortages and the hardworking employees we depend on. Ten years ago, I co-founded the American Business Immigration Coalition to join with other leaders to advocate for sensible immigration reform that grows jobs, strengthens our economy, and benefits all American families. 

As a Naples resident, I see the role immigrants play every day to make our lives better. Gov. DeSantis’ recent attacks on immigrants are immoral and will hurt businesses already facing extreme labor shortage, and are harmful to innocent children. In particular, the governor’s order to shut down shelters for migrant children puts them at risk for human trafficking and other dangers. 

As a supporter of  several charter schools I have gotten to know many very talented and dedicated students and their parents who were undocumented. These children are studying hard and only want to live the American Dream. Like the immigrants coming to Florida, they hope to offer their talents, energy and creativity to propel our economy forward. 

At a time when our nation is facing a labor shortage and “the great resignation,” we should be welcoming and mentoring these hard workers and taxpayers, not demonizing them. 

I hope the governor will change course before the damage is irreversible. 

John W. Rowe, Naples

Marco traffic surveillance lawsuit welcome

The lawsuit brought by three Marco Island residents challenging the recent installation of vehicular surveillance cameras on the three bridges leading to and from that site strikes a salutary blow for privacy at a time of growing intrusions into personal activities and lives of nearly everyone.

Technically, the federal court lawsuit does not contest deployment of the devices, known as ALPR’s, by law enforcement authorities here, but rather the potential abuse of the data collected and maintained by them for up to three years. However, challenging the misuse of the data is, in effect, directed to the use of the machinery because, as the saying goes, “use them if you’ve got them.” While there are legitimate traffic and law enforcement goals advanced by these arrangements, such as traffic monitoring and tracking stolen vehicles, their blunderbuss approach and intrusive uses outweigh their benefits.

The Marco lawsuit not only follows a parallel pending case in Coral Gables, but also comes on the heels of a series of suits in other parts of the country challenging these photographic snooping arrangements. I am familiar with that stream of litigation because I formerly led one in Minnesota, when practicing law there, that resulted in a multi-million dollar class action settlement for more than 16,000 aggrieved motorists and vehicle owners. It was one of a number of similar cases in other states, some successful, some  not, raising these privacy concerns.

While the issues differed in many of them, they had a common theme: invasion of privacy; and a shared goal of halting the abuses of the systems.

The other cities here in Southwest Florida that have, or are contemplating implementing, similar ones, like the $60,000 Marco mischief, will probably spend more than that defending the lawsuits and may well end up losing, having to pay some or all of the claimants’  legal costs and create an environment of hostility and ill will within the communities as well as among visitors and others coming there.

Better, more restrained, and effective means exist to try to achieve the legitimate aims of these disturbing surveillance programs while safeguarding privacy rights of individuals.

Marshall H. Tanick, Naples

High-rise apartment complexes concerning

Southwest Cape Coral was one of the best keep secrets in Florida. But in the last few years the mayor and City Council and new residents have allowed real estate developers and contractors to build not only more car washes and dollar stores but now at least five high-rise apartment complexes. All totaling over 14 buildings within two miles of each other in an area that once was zoned single-family homes. Who is the first to benefit from multifamily housing? The developer and real estate people who don't live anywhere near these sites.

My first question to the city: Are the owners of the apartment complexes paying the same rate of taxes and impact fees as a family that owns a condo or house to help pay for extra schools and roadways and the other infrastructure that supports essentials needed to run a city? Or are they getting tax breaks? Also will higher-density housing create further traffic congestion and parking problems. Will multifamily apartments curb home prices and cause higher crime rates in the surrounding areas?

Lou Walker, Cape Coral

Ignorance of anti-vaxxers appalling

Golly gee, those big strong brave truckers afraid of a needle in the arm? Gonna get Bill Gates disease or socialist politics and leftist ideas? Conspiracies? None of these? Then what are you afraid of? If this was the action you would have taken during the polio epidemic we would be a nation overrun with millions handicapped. This is an epidemic and you are advancing it by being a potential carrier. Tens of thousands have died. What else needs to be done to convince you? You want freedom? Stop the disease you are spreading! I have a right to freedom also. I am 89 years old and I deserve my freedom from your potential as a spreader. Your ignorance is appalling. And it's not just the truckers but all of the anti-vaxxers. There is no viable reason not to get vaccinated. Even the Fox News people have done it. And if they say they did not, they're lying to you. I am a retired union tradesman and I am imploring my union and non-union brothers and sisters: Get the shot and stop your nonsense!

Jerry Razowsky, Cape Coral

Publicity stunt not helping people

Gov. DeSantis  has become an expert in the art of “the whine.” He first did it looking for COVID money and now he’s looking for FEMA funds. Considering the fact the Legislature did not spend all of the COVID money, which could be transferred to help those who need help in South Florida, DeSantis is pulling a whining publicity stunt. If the House has $7 billion set aside now and DeSantis wants to increase that amount to $15 billion in reserves, I think the governor can sign off on helping people now and stop the FEMA whining. The federal government has given him more than he deserves considering he is constantly bad mouthing the Biden administration. Florida has the money!

Ellen M. Milotte, Naples

Not ready for more inflation

Our president says to be prepared for economic repercussions (of Russia sanctions) in terms of inflation. Experts are looking at 10 percent.

We live on Social Security totaling $1,600 a month and receive $170 in food stamps. We volunteer with the Bonita cat program. House-sit for our snowbird neighbors.

2024 can't get here soon enough.

Patsy Austin, Bonita Springs