U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services announced on December 7, 2020 that they will be accepting new DACA applications, advance parole applications, and re-issuing work permits that were originally issued for…

She joins members of Congress, business leaders and advocates to hit the ‘reset’ button on immigration during upcoming virtual summit
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 23, 2020 CONTACT: Hiram Soto | hsoto@americanbic.biz | 858-349-7940 With Experience and Leadership in Mind, Biden Picks Mayorkas to Lead DHS Alejandro Mayorkas would be the first…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 22, 2020 CONTACTS: Alia El-Assar | (202) 938-6511| aelassar@americanbic.biz Fernanda Durand | (214) 402-0186 | fernanda@communicationsshop.us GOP Donors Woody Hunt and Al Cárdenas Call for Congressional…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 11, 2020 CONTACTS: Juan Carlos Cerda | jccerda@americanbic.biz | (214) 482-8698 Rebecca Shi | rshi@americanbic.biz | (312) 576-8032 ABIC Applauds House Problem Solvers Caucus for Including…
PARA LA DISTRIBUCIÓN INMEDIATA: 31 de julio del 2020 CONTACTO: Alia El-Assar | aelassar@americanbic.biz #####Decenas de Pequeñas Empresas y Asociaciones Comerciales de Florida aplauden al Senador Marco Rubio por su liderazgo en…

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 31, 2020 PRESS CONTACT: Alia El-Assar | aelassar@americanbic.biz Dozens of Florida Small Businesses & Trade Associations Applaud U.S. Senator Marco Rubio for Leadership on Economic Recovery and Immigrant…

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 28, 2020 PRESS CONTACT: Alia El-Assar | aelassar@americanbic.biz ABIC Statement on DHS Memo Outlining Rescission of DACA, in Defiance of Supreme Court Decision (Chicago, IL) – Today, the U.S….

PARA PUBLICACIÓN INMEDIATA: 27 de julio del 2020 CONTACTO DE PRENSA: Alia El-Assar | aelassar@americanbic.biz Declaración de ABIC Sobre la Exclusión, por parte del Líder McConnell, hacia Ciudadanos Estadounidenses Casados con No…

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 27, 2020 PRESS CONTACT: Alia El-Assar | aelassar@americanbic.biz ABIC Statement on Leader McConnell’s Exclusion of U.S. Citizens Married to Non-Citizens from Essential Relief in Senate Stimulus Package (Chicago,…