She joins members of Congress, business leaders and advocates to hit the ‘reset’ button on immigration during upcoming virtual summit
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 23, 2020 CONTACT: Hiram Soto | | 858-349-7940 With Experience and Leadership in Mind, Biden Picks Mayorkas to Lead DHS Alejandro Mayorkas would be the first…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 22, 2020 CONTACTS: Alia El-Assar | (202) 938-6511| Fernanda Durand | (214) 402-0186 | GOP Donors Woody Hunt and Al Cárdenas Call for Congressional…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 11, 2020 CONTACTS: Juan Carlos Cerda | | (214) 482-8698 Rebecca Shi | | (312) 576-8032 ABIC Applauds House Problem Solvers Caucus for Including…
PARA LA DISTRIBUCIÓN INMEDIATA: 31 de julio del 2020 CONTACTO: Alia El-Assar | #####Decenas de Pequeñas Empresas y Asociaciones Comerciales de Florida aplauden al Senador Marco Rubio por su liderazgo en…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 31, 2020 PRESS CONTACT: Alia El-Assar | Dozens of Florida Small Businesses & Trade Associations Applaud U.S. Senator Marco Rubio for Leadership on Economic Recovery and Immigrant…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 28, 2020 PRESS CONTACT: Alia El-Assar | ABIC Statement on DHS Memo Outlining Rescission of DACA, in Defiance of Supreme Court Decision (Chicago, IL) – Today, the U.S….
PARA PUBLICACIÓN INMEDIATA: 27 de julio del 2020 CONTACTO DE PRENSA: Alia El-Assar | Declaración de ABIC Sobre la Exclusión, por parte del Líder McConnell, hacia Ciudadanos Estadounidenses Casados con No…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 27, 2020 PRESS CONTACT: Alia El-Assar | ABIC Statement on Leader McConnell’s Exclusion of U.S. Citizens Married to Non-Citizens from Essential Relief in Senate Stimulus Package (Chicago,…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 18, 2020 PRESS CONTACT: Alia El-Assar | ABIC Statement on Supreme Court Decision Against Trump’s Move to End DACA Congress must act immediately for a permanent DREAM…