The Federal Register Notice and updated FAQs for the “Keeping Families Together” program is now available. Below are updated legal resources and local assistance about the program. Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC) FAQ…
UPDATES: PAYCHECK PROTECTION PROGRAM 2.0 APPLICATIONS OPEN TODAY April 27, 2020 The SBA will resume accepting Paycheck Protection Program applications from participating lenders TODAY Monday, April 27, 2020 at 10:30am…
Contacts: Kathy Bird Carvajal, kathy@impacfund.org, 786-210-9030 Mariana Castro, mariana@impacfund.org, 470-269-4962 Towson Fraser, Towson@fllobby.com, 850-443-1444 FACT SHEET: SB 1822 Gruters/HB 1265 Byrd de facto “E-Verify” Legislation Mandates Private Employers Use of E-Verify or REAL…